Our wide range of products available here at Allens Linen Hire Express are the perfect source of inspiration you need when planning any kind of event. Whether you’re organising a fairy tale wedding reception, a milestone birthday celebration, or even an important corporate function, you can find everything you need to create the perfect table setting right here. From banquets to buffets, our products will help you to host an evening your guests won’t forget and make happy memories along the way.
We have a number of different collections, boasting a variety of beautiful colours and styles, with something for everyone. This includes our range of Kew linen in the shade denim, a rich navy blue that makes a stunning backdrop for any table setting you have in mind. Our Kew linen has a wonderful textured finish and is made from high quality fabric, adding a touch of luxury and sophistication to any occasion. Not only this, but this shade beautifully compliments a wide range of colour palettes, making it much easier to select your desired décor and tableware. Whether you prefer traditional or modern design, our Kew linen collection is extremely versatile.
Browse our catalogue today and explore the Kew linen collection and other ranges available from Allens Linen Hire Express. If you are interested in hiring out any of our products the process is simple, all you have to do is place your order and we’ll handle the rest. We aim to provide a first-rate service and our team are happy to help you with whatever you need, whether you’re looking for advice, have an enquiry about an order, or would like recommendations for other collections. Delivering superior quality you can count on, why not browse our catalogue at Allens Linen Hire Express today.